Why choose infrared heating for the office?
Infrared Heating panels and Underfloor heating have been utilised commercially in offices for some time due to the ease of installation and cost effectiveness of both installing and then running the heating system.
Infrared Heaters can reduce energy bills by up to 50%. They convert almost 100% of electricity to heat. This makes infrared heating more efficient than storage heaters or radiators.
Conventional heating tends to produce a work environment where some of the room can be adequately heated, or may even be too hot, while the rest of the room is left too cold. Infrared heating heats the office space evenly, so everyone feels the benefit of the heating system.
Most office grid systems make installing infrared panels into the ceiling extremely easy. Compared to installing or maintaining conventional heating systems infrared heating is remarkably cheap to install and maintain.
We do have a trusted installer that we can recommend for you.
The insulation quality of the building does determine the wattage needed per cubic metre.
Here is a table illustrating the recommended wattage per cubic metre based on insulation quality:
Insulation Quality - Watts per Cubic Metre
- Poor - 35W
- Moderate - 30W
- Good -25W
To calculate the total wattage required, multiply the room volume by the recommended watts per cubic metre. For example, an average-sized office of 120 cubic metres (50 square meters) with good insulation would require 3000 W of heating power.
But you don’t need to worry too much about how much wattage you will need. We do provide a free design service for all our clients as well as advice on installation.
Fill in our online form and we will quickly provide your quote and help you create a cost effective, healthy and warm work environment for your office staff.
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